miercuri, 4 mai 2016


cândva eram trist acum nu mai sunt
acum e ceva mai bine
cândva erau maluri abrupte cu flori ṣi rǎdǎcini de copac
ṣi totul era aṣa un fel de rostogolire
peste altǎ rostogolire
cândva ne plimbam de nebuni prin iarmaroace
cu miros de zahǎr si scorṭisoarǎ
cu ghirlande împletite la gât ṣi era cald
cândva inima îngerului meu pǎzitor ca o hiperbolǎ
rǎtǎcea prin saloane de vodevil
se recomanda tuturor cu nonṣalanṭǎ
eu sunt îngerul carmin ṣi ṣtiu sǎ cânt la clavecin
mǎ veṭi auzi oricum mai încolo

cândva simṭul meu olfactiv adulmeca umbra pianistului
fǎrǎ nici un fel de orientare muzicalǎ
pianistul cu încǎpǎṭânare de geniu
cândva inima tatǎlui meu era ruptǎ în bucǎṭi
ca o pâine proaspǎtǎ
la sǎrbǎtori devenite cu timpul tradiṭonale
cândva ei vorbeau despre îngeri ṣi despre arhangeli
ṣi despre arhei
acum toatǎ lumea tace
de parcǎ tǎcerea ar fi fost ridicatǎ la rang de virtute
sau mai vorbeṣte asa pe la rǎspântii prin semne
limba muṭilor

cândva te plimbam în caleṣti cu ciucuri roṣii ṣi broderii si brocart
plângându-mi în hohote isterice fericirea ṣi nebunia
cândva mǎ cuibǎream nocturn între coapsele tale
stârnind turme diafane de elefanṭi
cândva mergeam în vacanṭe homerice
cu arbuṣti pitici ṣi scoici ṣi calmari
ṣi ṭǎrmuri foarte foarte fine
acum vǎ implor da-ṭi-mi un final de poem
pânǎ nu mǎ podideṣte sângele pe nas
de-atâta melancolie.

Din volumul Ghilotina cu miros de scortisoara (Integral, 2014).
Text tradus pentru revista Orizon Literar Contemporan 5 (49) / Septembrie - octombrie 2015


I used to be sad now I am so no more
nowadays it’s slightly better
there used to be steep banks with flowers and tree roots
and it was all like a sort of rolling
with yet another rolling on top of it
we used to go wandering like fools through the summer fairs
with sugar and cinnamon scents
with garlands entwined about our necks and feeling hot
my guardian angel’s heart used to be a hyperbole
he would lose himself amidst the vaudeville salons
and introduce himself quite candidly
I am  the carmine angel and I can play the harpsichord
you shall hear me later anyway.

once my sense of smell would sniff around the piano-player’s shade
without any kind of musical landmarks
the piano-player stubborn as a genius
once my father’s heart was being torn to pieces
like freshly-baked bread
for holidays that turn traditional with time
they would speak about angels about archangels
and of the archaeus
nowadays the whole world is silent
as if silence had been promoted to the rank of virtue
or sometimes they may speak about it at the crossroads signing
in a dumb language

I used to take you riding in red-tasseled chariots with embroidery and brocade
crying out my happiness and madness in hysterical bouts
I would cuddle at night between your thighs
stampeding herds of diaphanous elephants
we used to embark upon epic holidays
with shrubbery, and mussels, and kalamar
and fine, terribly fine shorelines
now I implore you let me have my final line
lest my nose start bleeding
with suffusing melancholia.

From the volume The Cinnamon-flavoured Guillotine (Integral, 2013)
Text translated for Contemporary Literary Horizon 5 (49) / Septembrie - octombrie 2015

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